Thursday, January 28
Tuesday, January 26
Sunday, January 24
Tuesday, January 19
If you haven't yet checked out this dope boutique, then you're really missing out. It's called Artifacts in Downtown Sac off of K Street. My friend Michelle is the buyer for them too so big ups to her too! They host all types of special events, concerts, shows, and second saturdays. Yeeupp, their link is on the right.
905 K St
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 446-1400
Damn these are hella sharp looking. I'm actually thinking about really getting them. They're about $60 but you need to remember, they're "Not For Everyone" You can find them on the list below. And if you haven't already, check out Havoc Boutique in Sacramento @ 918 24th Street. Mon-Sat from 11am-7pm Sun from 11am-5pm. - Online store
Streetammo, Denmark
Capsule, Toronto Canada
Havoc, Sacramento
Mr. Fredricks, United Kingdom
Room 322, Edmonton
Subdivision, Vancouver
Monday, January 18
Sunday, January 17
Friday, January 15
Everyone needs to know that our hard earned dollar$ should never be wasted on bad customer service because those are people who don't appreciate their customers and we're the reason why they even have a job in the first place. My pet peeve is horrible retail stores with negative employees.
Also, don't support Love Culture. One of the worst shopping experiences I have ever had. Shoes are not an accessory because they're required not optional. Shoes don't fit in the category with accessories because accessories are defined as items which compliment or are supplementary as to everyone wears shoes unless you're homeless or you are just laying around the house. I have the name of the sales associate and the manager and I will be reporting to either the district manager or customer affairs of corporate. I know how retail works backwards and forwards.
Monday, January 11
Dizzamn. I haven't heard this song in a while but I finally sat back and listened to the lyrics and understood the song. I think hella people can relate to this but yeah... it's an oldie but a goodie. Everybody is human. We all make mistakes. We live and we learn. We fall down and we get back up. We forgive and we forget. We need to go to sleep. Goodnight.
Jessica Biel
Isabel Lucas, from Transformers 2
Emile Hirsch, from The Girl Next Door
Lupe Fiasco
"By this time Thursday, rapper/philanthropist Kenna will be leading a group that includes actors Jessica Biel, Emile Hirsch and Isabel Lucas and musicians Lupe Fiasco and Santigold on the trip of a lifetime to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. The ascent of the highest peak in Africa is not a casual vacation among bold-named friends, though, but part of an awareness raising trek called the "Summit on the Summit" aimed at shining a light on the global clean-water crisis. "
Read the full story @
Saturday, January 9
No I'm not talkin about the Jay Sean song haha. But don't you miss what used to be? Well, I woke up coughing and I had a fever so I thought I'd just go online. Guess what? I can't go back to sleep but I'll leave you with this thought.
Remember... when getting high meant swinging at the playground. The worst thing you could get from girls was cooties. Mom was your hero. Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were who ran the fastest. War was a card game. The only drug you knew of was cough medicine &; the only thing you smoked was the tires on your bike. The only thing that hurt was skinned knees &; the only things that can get broken were your toys. Life was simple and care free, but what I remember the most was wanting to grow up....
I fuckin want to be a kid again.
Thursday, January 7
Sexiness for everyone from Glow Berlin on Vimeo.
This video should enlighten you on all women. Whether they're Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, or Muslim.
This is gonna be interesting. It's about a REAL group of guys with a list of 100 things to do before they die. So they hopped on an RV and were determined to finish the goals one by one and with each one, they'll help a stranger finish something they want to do before they die. They started it back in the summer of 06 but now MTV is giving them their own show, check it out.
Tuesday, January 5
BYE 2009
I'm kind of late on this blog but who gives a fck. I was listening to the radio and heard this crazy megamix of about 20 different songs from 2009 and thought it'd be a good idea to share it with everyone and then talk about the past year and welcome the new year. The song is DJ Earworm - United State of Pop (Blame It On the Pop) and there were mixes for the past years too. There's a link on the youtube video to download the song too, if you're feelin it.
So 2009, you have been good and bad to me but more bad than good. I guess it's a lot easier to remember all the bad and I can recall mainly all the misery and hardships I faced. February 09 was one of the worst months of my life and if you're close to me then you'll know why. Other than that everyone hella looked at this year as "OUR YEAR" and shit cause everyone finally hits 21!!! Yeuppp, it's been fun but expensive that's for sure haha. Hella shit happened this year. I beccame unemployed and re-employed and then unemployment checks weekly and then got cut off HURTT. I made friends, gave up on some friends, and reconnected with some other friends. I found love and fell for a certain girl but shit didn't work out. On top of that, not even an hour into the new year and I was hit with more bad news and trouble. 2010 started off wrong from the get go but I hoped we could all come back from it and forget the past. It was ALL BADDDD. But honestly, through it all I still have love for her and I miss her more than anything. However, I can't just think about all the good things I miss cause there were a lot of flaws and obstacles that we couldn't help but to avoid and it created this huge hellhole where we couldn't be happy for too long. Through it all, I know that I miss her more than anything. You can say I loved and lost. They say everything happens for a reason but don't you want to know if it's a legitimate reason or not?
On a better note, just listen to the video and the song will be sure to make you go back down memory lane and it also put me in a good mood to blog. Things are all starting to look up for 2010 though. I gotta admit I'm pretty hesitant to expect too much or to get too excited because I don't want to be let down, again. So far, I've had a lot of good quality family time and that's always a PLUS. I'm finally a little more comfortable considering academics and finances. As of right now my state of mind is fucking great but my body is taking a beating. I have a headache, high fever, sore throat, cough, and body soreness. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm sick and it sucks ass. I should be better and fully recovered by this weekend hopefully. Don't really have any plans yet but let's hope I will. It sucks cause I was prepared to go to Sud's tomorrow night and drink up. Who can turn down $1 beer night?! Not too sure if I even want to leave the house tomorrow. I would be risking my health and others haha. I already have a playlist of movies laid out for tomorrow. Start with District 9, Inglorious Bastards, then Night at the Musuem 2. Alright but onto the last part of this entry. You probably saw this one coming but here's my new year's resolutions. Why do so many people set themselves up for failure, including myself.
1. Do well in school
2. Earn and save money from working hard
3. Hold my job for at least 6 months, if not the whole year
4. Make my family proud
5. Train the new puppy well
6. Stop shopping so fuckin much
7. Stop eating out so fuckin much
8. Keep my bedroom and workspace more neat/organized
9. Eat more healthy
10. Volunteer at UCDMC or another hospital
11. Apply for multiple internships
12. Upgrade my car - Acura, Lexus, or Audi
13. Work out at least 4 times a week
14. Calm down and quit being a hothead, control my temper
15. Stop being lazy, wake up earleir
16. Stop burning so much gas
17. Keep in touch/visit my grandparents and sj family more
18. Allow someone to change my life for the better
19. Change someone's life for the better
20. Finish this list
Monday, January 4
Pretty wide awake and shit and it sucks. Don't know what else to do, what's the late night hype? Haha I'm just listening to the whole Drake album right now and I forgot how much his lyrics slappp. I gotta skip a couple songs though that I don't really care for and I can't listen to "Best I Ever Had" cause that shit just kills me and brings up a shit load of memories, as soon as I hear the beat. I'm bouta watch (500) Days of Summer though and whoever hasn't seen it needs to go rent it now or download it illegally... somehow, someway you need to get on this low budget, indy film which has opened a lot of eyes and will leave you wanting more haha. Goodnight? Let's hope so.
Now playing: Drake - Uptown (feat. Bun B & Lil' Wayne)
via FoxyTunes

Fck, now I kind of missing my old job. The free outfits and discounts were a big bonus. I didn't care too much for their tees or all that metroass shit. But I was a big fan of their denim, outerwear, suits, and accessories. Haha that's about everything but they have really good jeans and the new slim straights are dope and I hella fuckin want them, but I wouldn't pay regular price for that shit. Their grown man clothes are dope too, I have a suit from them but I don't know where that shit is.. hmm. Alright, even though the holidays are over whoever feels like in the giving spirit, you know what I want.
It was my lil cousin Tyler's birthday in San Jose so I was there this weekend. I always like going to sj. Good family time and good food. There's always shit to do at night too. We bought him this Nerf Game for his Wii but I forgot to take a picture of it. But it comes with two guns and its kind of like Time Crisis if you've played that before.
Yeuppp. Bigky, Joe, and Khai all brought a bottle of HENNN and we knew it was gonna be a good night haha. We started playing Mario Kart DD for shots and after about 10 rounds we got tired of it and moved onto something new. It was my first time playing pictionary and it was dope. Even if you suck at drawing or crack under pressure, this game still becomes pretty fun and competitive. We made it into a drinking game and the losing team drank shots of heem. We ended up finishing 3 bottles of heem that night between the 7 of us?
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